Neff Valley Creations

My Story

Hello and welcome to Neff Valley Creations! My name is Brenda Neff, and I am the face behind all of the fun creations on the site. Neff Valley Creations is located in Nodaway County where I have lived my whole life, met my husband, raised three girls, and now created a business to create decorations for all of you and your families.

Neff Valley Creations logo and name has been created to represent our family in many different ways. My husband’s father many years ago had created a sign along the road where Neff Valley Creations is located that said “Neff Valley.” The duck is another tie to his father as well. He had found a mallard duck one day, placed it onto the Neff Valley sign, and there the duck stayed for years. The flowers you see represent my three daughters; Mady, Abby, and Elly.

Neff Valley Creations is all about family, and I cannot wait to serve you and your family as well. Here we help you celebrate all the milestones in your life whether it’s a door hanger for your first home, wedding, first baby, your child’s graduation, or any milestone in between; Neff Valley Creations is here to help you celebrate those moments.